Monday, February 8, 2010

Sickly weekend, but other than that

We have had a rough weekend. Poor Owen has been sick all weekend. We had to visit the doctor today and ended up with a breathing treatment and some antibiotics. He has been a trooper though. I am so impressed by how resilient he is and how willing he is to still play, despite not feeling great. He does, however, prefer to take a nap on Mommy.

We have been working hard other than our sick weekend. Owen is sitting up regularly now. He has only toppled over a few times. I have found that it is important that I not overreact to him falling. He is also getting quite fond of switching toys from hand to hand. The pacy can easily find it's own way back into his mouth without a parent's help now, which is nice.

There has been no crawling yet, but we feel that we are not far. There are also no teeth yet. We have been drooling for the last 3 months which everyone assures us that it means he is teething. He could just be a drooler though.

We are also mischievous at times. I walked out of the room to work on dinner one evening and when I came back to look at Owen, he was playing but had worked his way partially out of his shirt. The humor of it can not fully be appreciated through this picture, but it does show what a funny little guy we have on our hands.
Owen is still eating quite well. We are using the high chair and enjoying it greatly. He really has no problem just sitting there to play while dinner is being cooked, even though we do not want it to become a place associated with playing. It is almost too cute to stop. I am sure that in time the banging will become more annoying, but for the time being we like it.

1 comment:

  1. So cute Erin! Winston has been sick too... not fun at all! And I know what you mean by letting him sleep on you...seems to work best especially when he's sick. I started a blog too... we'll see how well I try to keep it up. Looking forward to the bridge run!
