Sunday, December 27, 2009

I want an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle!

Christmas is over and with a blur. We did get a tree a few days after Chris's birthday. It was put up immediately, but it took a few days to get decorated. Owen really liked the lights once they were put on the tree. Once we went to Greenville, Keith was kind enough to allow Owen to see the lights up close.

Christmas eve, we exchanged gifts with my mom's family. Owen got to unwrap some presents. He really enjoyed the wrapping paper, of course.

Santa was very good to us this year. Owen got a lot of good toys and even a few clothes. There was no staying up late on Christmas eve for Owen. However, I managed to stay up entirely too late with my family playing Scrabble making the next morning feel even earlier. I did wait an hour before I woke up the other snoozers upstairs. I received the response, "8 o'clock, are you serious?" It was great when we did go in the living room and Owen was able to begin playing.

It is definitely nice to be able to relax now that things have begun to calm down. Owen is having to get used to not being held 24/7 like he was when we were in Greenville. We are trying out the exersaucer often and introducing new toys constantly. It seems that he is getting closer to sitting on his own like I mentioned yesterday. It is going to take more practice, but I think that he will become much happier.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Catching up to here and now, oops it has been a while!

It has been a while, yes. I refuse to let Chris be right about whether or not I can keep up with a blog. There are a few others who questioned it as well. Surprise, surprise. I understand, but I will do my best to make all of you wrong, as you well know.

We have been terribly busy the end of this year. I think that all of us have been living in a blur for a few weeks. Things are going well, just busy with the hustle and bustle of this time of year.

We had a great Thanksgiving at both the Lloyds' and the Carrolls' houses. Owen was exhausted at the end of the day and quickly passed out on the ride back to Greenwood.

Owen has made some new discoveries since the last entry I wrote. He is now rolling over both directions and has been for a little while now. He is also able to grab things with one hand and transfer it back and forth. It seems that he is on his way to sitting on his own. It is quite humorous to watch him work.
Another new addition to Owen's world is the introduction of solids on a more regular basis. Owen has been eating various baby foods for the last month or so. We started with vegetables and moved into fruit. I swear, the kid will eat anything put in front of him.
It has been quite fun bundling him up since the weather has cooled off. I have to post some of these pictures, just because...

We have also begun to let the dogs have run of the house some what again rather than banishing them to the back room while Owen is out and about. It has been fun watching the interaction between the dogs and Owen. They are great with each other. It is truly the time that you are guaranteed a belly laugh from Owen. He thinks that the dogs are hilarious. Apparently, Fenway thinks that Owen just tastes good, based on all of the licking that is done. Colby is equally as good, but really does not care most of the time what he is doing. She just cares if there is a blanket on the floor that he is laying on so that she can share it. This is even the case when we go to both grandparents' houses. All animals are intrigued, kind, but protective of this new "creature" that they are not sure about where it came from, just that they like it.

Just before Christmas, we had two visitors that we were very excited about even if it was just for a few hours. Jill and Haley were in Columbia for Christmas so they made the trek up to Greenwood for a little while. We played and did lunch. It was neat to watch the two of them studying what the other was doing. It was great to see them. It is amazing what a difference 6 months can make.

I will have to update Christmas details in another post, since it is late and I should know better than to stay up this late when Owen is asleep. We hope that everyone is doing well and getting some much needed rest and quality time with those you love.