Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Almost 4 months old

Owen has been really fun lately. He is rolling over from his stomach to his back regularly. He also has begun grabbing toys to play with.

He is on more of a schedule and we have much less crying. He is not sleeping through the night yet, but we are trying. Each night we pump him full of food. Two weekends ago we began introducing rice cereal into his night time feeding. He eats like a horse and still wakes up between 2 and 3 each night to eat again. It's okay, but it sure would be wonderful to get a full nights sleep.
He is still exploring with his hands and regularly sucks his thumb and his fist. It is awesome to watch him working.

We are at a point when bath time is a blast. It typically makes a gigantic mess all over the kitchen. Who ever bathms his ends up pretty wet as well. It really is one of our favorite things to do though.
He still loves to be outside. We got a new carrier for him that allows him to face away from us and he really enjoys it. It is a new sensation for him to have more mobility and face the world that way. He also does really well sitting in his Bumbo and leaning up in a chair. It is amazing how strong a little body can be.