Monday, July 20, 2009

1 month already?

Chris said when I started this blog that I would have to keep up with it and that he doubted me. I have started to prove him right, since it has been so long since I wrote about life.
Owen is 1 month today. Oh my gosh!! It is unreal how fast it truly went. We have figured out quite a bit in a month. I have determined what certain cries mean. I have also found some rhythm some days.
For those of you who do not know, Mylicon is a wonderful friend. I thought that we could try not to use it for a while. It really backfired this weekend. So we have pulled it back out and it is amazing. He is his father's son because he is gaseous and needs some help with it. All of the funny stories we have deal with him pooping and farting. He sounds like a grown man. You cannot help but laugh. I have learned from this weekend how much sleep (or how little) I can have and still function.
We have used the car seat and stroller to our benefit since it is an instant sleep once we get settled in. Friday night Owen actually slept in his car seat, because at 3:30 we still had not slept at all. Chris slept in his khaki shorts so that he could pop the car seat in the car for a ride if needed. We have been going on good walks. Owen seems to like being outside too.
Owen also has learned to like lights. We hung out in the bathroom one morning for a half an hour while he smiled at the lights. The smiles are coming more regularly, not just while sleeping. There is definitely a dimple on his right cheek. I still can't get a picture smiling with his eyes open. I know we have time, but it is quite cute with all his gums showing.
Well, he is stirring! Time to attend to his every need:) I has been fun so far, despite the lack of sleep.